Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I know. I have the cutest kid ever. He is such an angel, I am just so blessed to be his momma. This was taken at his 5month shoot with me. I can't believe It's almost time for the 6month shoot. :( Where is the time going? I am horrified to think that I might have to go back to work in 6month. sigh.

We were actually going through the steps of buying a local business, but that has fallen through. Very mixed feelings about that. I was getting so excited, but the stress of it all might have made me kinda crazy so I should probably thank my lucky stars. I'm guess I'm just looking for that next door to open now. If only I could stumble across an extra $10,000 to start up my little business. I don't suppose those stars are that generous. :)

I am having a major scrappers block right now. I totally work best under pressure, and need a new challenge to motivate me. Know of any good ones? Give me a shout! Of course LSS2 is coming up and I'm pretty stoked, looking forward to scrapping outside my box.

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