This is Everett's furrowed brow. It was almost a permanent fixture on his face for the first month, only this past week has he been making it less often. I'm glad I caught in a picture so well.

Furrowed brow combined with a fist makes him look mean!! lol I'm hoping I don't have a boxer on my hands, because we've talked it through, and he is to be a golfer like daddy ;)

At one month Everett is..
-so NOT sleeping through the night... he is up a bazillion times a night. We are cosleeping, and poor Daddy is on the couch to get a good nights rest otherwise Ev keeps him up all night.
-just starting to smile at us for "real". It takes a bunch of silly cooing and huge smily faces to get them, but man do they ever melt my heart!
-takes his baths with Mommy for the most part, and loves to float in the warm water as I hold his head and neck.
-goes from zero to 60 in a second when he is mad. This boy has lungs! hehe When he wants to nurse, he wants to nurse and that is that!
-despite using a soother in NICU (no choice, they require it there) he has zero interest in one at home. I think I'm the soother most days.
-Is up almost 2.5lbs from his birth weight. Which is no surprise since he wants to nurse ALL the time :)
-eyes are still blue, but getting darker, they will turn brown I'm sure.
-a bit early to tell with his short hair, but I'm almost positive it is an auburn like mine.
And, he is now awake and sceaming for me.. ;) bye!
Adorable photos! That brow is hilarious! My older son never had any interest in a soother but my youngest was in the intermediate care nursery at birth due to wet lungs and he had a soother as well. He's totally been a soother boy - will go from screaming and banging on his door to laying quietly in bed and going to sleep once given the soother... He's 1 1/2 now so we're slowly decreasing his time with it ;D Good luck with your adorable boys!
I love all the hands and feet photos. :) So adorable!
So beautiful!
So cute!
He is PRECIOUS! LOVE LOVE those toes and feet!
What a beautiful baby. I love babies. I also love your work
yay yay yay! i am so excited for you guys! i was so nervous for you there for a while and so releived he's home and doing well - we had a bit of a scare with our guy st birth so i cannot imagine what you went through must have been times a bazillion - was so tough and took me a while to even process it b/c at the time i was in "survival mode" - took a while before i could think about it/ and was so cathartic when i could - i also love how you are doing the monthly updates - i want to try that too, i have month one saved on my bb but haven't blogged it yet and now i'm alreayd at month two almost - geez time flies! ok i'm rambling but just wanted to say yay for you guys and he is a total doll! xoxo
Love the photos, Laura!
BIG, HUGE, WARM congratulations to you, the baby and your family! I'm so happy hearing everything is ok with you and he's just adooorable! LOVE the pictures! There's simply something with baby toes that make my heart melt! Wonderful photos!
ENJOY yourself sweetie!
Precious photos, Laura!
Awwww!!! I love your photography work! And it doesn't hurt to have such adorable subjects! TFS!!
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